Sun Ho


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sun Ho - Fancy Free

I have heard about Sun Ho, but don't know much about her. She is a singer from Singapore. Her new MV is Fancy Free launched yesterday night. Beside the MV launching, the management held a Live Video Chat on Facebook. My friends had told me about the Live Video Chat but I missed it :((. So, I tried to watch the recorded Video Chat on ustream, but the connection was really poor (should use better internet provider) so I just watched till the first question from Uganda.

Oh yeah, that was the first time I see Sun. I was surprised, because she is really different from what I imagined. On the video, she mentioned about Indonesia :D. She said she loves Indonesian Kecap Manis (Sweet Soy Sauce) and also said that she loves Indonesia..Nice :D

First question on the Video Chat was from Uganda.. The fan from Uganda asked her about the Fancy Free, what does Sun feel about that song because the song was really cool. Sun said she really loves the song because the song is like her own personality..

OK, watch the Video Clip here

You can find the complete information about Sun Ho on her website here.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reaction Box

When I checked my other blog, I got a message there. Someone asked me how to add the reaction box below the blog post (see below my post to see the boxes :D). Well, I got the same question..I saw two blogs that add the reaction box. I wanted to add it to my blog too. But, I didn't ask anyone even Mr. Google :P

One day, I wanted to configure my widgets then I just clicked the edit button for the Blog Post..then found this:

So, if you want to add the reaction box below your post..just choose it from your blog post editor.

Enjoying the blogging thing :P

Morse Code

When played one of the Internet riddles, I got some code. It's dots and strips.. Just a rambling, I said..ah Morse code (It's truly rambling, because I didn't know the Morse Code). But, my brother took it seriously, and came up with the dictionary then opened the page with the Morse Code..
Hehehe, the code was solved..Ooo, that was really Morse Code :D

So, I guess to play those Internet riddles, I have to know how to convert number from different base and of course how to read Morse Code (... and many things upward).

Here's the chart of the Morse code letters and numerals (taken from wikipedia)

More information about the Morse Code can be found at wikipedia.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Decimal, Hexadecimal Manual Converter

Got this problem when I played a riddle..The clue was in decimal, should be converted to hexadecimal. Actually, it's simple, just do googling and you'll get the converter, problem solved. But, when I played the riddle I was using my cellphone with operamini. So, I couldn't use the converter :(. Furthermore, the calculator in my cellphone just a basic calculator not the scientific version...

I didn't want to wait till get home then do googling using laptop or using the calculator, so I tried to get the manual calculation. I've been taught about the base in my 2nd year of Junior High School, so I believed I could found out the conversion secret :)

First, I made this table..
then, tried to convert easy dec number to hex number hope will get the "formula".
Recalling the memory from 10 years ago......
The conversion using a tree factor (Well, in Bahasa Indonesia is Pohon Faktor, just guessing the english term is tree factor :P)

I got it.. I got it..

Convert this decimal number to hexadecimal
  1. 703710 :16 = 43981,875 --> 43981 + (0.875) --> 0.875 x 16 = 14
  2. 43981:16 = 2748,8125 --> 2748 + (0.8125) --> 0.8125 x 16 = 13
  3. 2748:16 = 171,75 --> 171 + (0.75) --> 0.75 x 16 = 12
  4. 171:16 = 10,6875 --> 10 + (0.6875) --> 0.6875 x 16 = 11
  5. 10 --> the calculation ends here because it is smaller than 16.
So...what is the hexadecimal number from (703710)dec??
see the bold number..arrange it from the bottom, so it becomes:
10 11 12 13 14
change it to hexadecimal form

Yup.. (703710)dec = (ABCDE)hex to convert hex number to dec number?
just the similar ways..

Convert the (ABCDE)hex to decimal
  1. There is 5 digit hex number --> n = 5
  2. (A)hex = (10)dec --> 10 x 16^4 = 655360 (4 = n-1)
  3. (B)hex = (11)dec --> 11 x 16^3 = 45056 (3 = n-2)
  4. (C)hex = (12)dec --> 12 x 16^2 = 3072 (2 = n-3)
  5. (D)hex = (13)dec --> 13 x 16^1 = 208 (1 = n-4)
  6. (E)hex = (14)dec -->14 x 16^0 = 14 (0 = n-5)
Sum the bold numbers:
655360 + 45056 + 3072 + 208 + 14 = 703710's not a simple way, but It's fun to know how, right?

image from here

Internet Riddles

When did some blog walking, I was visiting an Indian's blog, Amit Jain's blog. On his blog, I found something interesting..the title is about puzzlehacker. Really want to know what the puzzlehacker is, so I clicked the post.

Well, the post contains questions and answers but I din't too understand, so I clicked the puzzlehacker web. OK..I arrived. Uhm, it is a game..but what kind of game? So I clicked ENTER.
I started to understand this game.. Each page contains a question or clue to reach the next page (next level).. Wow, kinda intersting. I told to my friends about this game. Some told me that this is not a new game, there's many on internet. But, many of them tried to play the puzzle :P. Then my friend told me, there's one in Indonesia version, it is MatiBeku. On MatiBeku, I just to know that this game genre is riddle (in Bahasa Indonesia is teka-teki or tebak-tebakan).

If you interest to try some riddle, here is the link:
MatiBeku (in Bahasa Indonesia)
QWEb Riddle
QWeb Riddle 2
E.B.O.N.Y. ,with the claim: The Weirdest Riddle Game On The Internet !
404 Riddles
Notpron, with the claim: The Hardest Riddles available on the Internet

When you get stuck, you can access the forum from each site for hint. The second way is do some googling to get the spoiler, but it won't fun anymore..

Just enjoying the riddles :D

the image is from here.
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